To make free arrangements for free public welfare, mobile hospital, orphanage hostel, gymnasium, widow’s ashram, old age home, shishupalan ghar, kindergarten, anganwadi etc.
Environmental protection, drug eradication, family welfare, women empowerment, population control, health welfare, vaccination, some eradication, dowry eradication, alternative energy development programs, plantation, social forestry, tourism education, tourism development, poverty alleviation, malin slum development, scientific Dissemination of programs like search, science and technology development, agricultural diversification greenery program, pollution control, horticulture development, animal-bird, animal management and free rehabilitation etc.
Awareness to the people through awareness camps for identification and prevention of life-threatening diseases like AIDS, cancer, global epidemic, polio, TB, hepatitis, diabetes, etc.
To provide all possible help to the victims in times of divine calamities like flood, drought, fire, earthquake, hurricane, storm etc.
Providing free education and books / stationery aid to the meritorious and poor students of the society and providing nutrition and educational revolutions.

From Farm to Table

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum aliquam cursus. Mauris molestie aliquam urna. Curabitur nec eleifend risus. Integer eget libero sed elit pharetra ultricies eu in augue. Nullam nunc justo, porttitor id semper nec, pharetra sit amet enim. Donec rutrum diam vel est cursus lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum aliquam cursus. Mauris molestie aliquam urna. Curabitur nec eleifend risus. Integer eget libero sed elit pharetra ultricies eu in augue. Nullam nunc justo, porttitor id semper nec, pharetra sit amet enim. Donec rutrum diam vel est cursus lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vestibulum aliquam cursus. Mauris molestie aliquam urna. Curabitur nec eleifend risus. Integer eget libero sed elit pharetra ultricies eu in augue. Nullam nunc justo, porttitor id semper nec, pharetra sit amet enim. Donec rutrum diam vel est cursus lobortis.

Published On: January 18, 2021 / Categories: Farming /

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